Friday, 23 January 2015

Neutral, Muted, Colour?

I've been wondering why I'm enjoying working with not only a limited range of colours, but something quite alien to me. That is, soft, muted and dare I say neutral [a word not normally in my vocabulary!] colours.

     People that know me, know that I love colour! I suppose that's what attracted me to glass bead making in the first place. Don't worry, I never had and still have no desire or intention of living in neutral surroundings, that's just not me. Nor will you find me in any white clothes. In my opinion white clothes are for wedding dresses and maybe crisp white shirts with dark suits.

I came to the conclusion that I use white and neutral colours in the same way most other people use bright and strong colours. Many people like a smattering of colour, well, I'm the opposite. For instance, while I have colourS on all my walls, all paintwork is white in my home.

This all leads to my theory of why I'm enjoying creating my new Spring jewellery. My Spring beads will still be unique and characteristically mine. However, rather than striking, statement, eclectic jewellery, they are developing into more complimentary, subtle necklace, earring and bracelet designs. I have been surprised that despite limiting myself to just a few colours, the ideas have still continued to flow. Am I becoming organised?…….I doubt it!
See my new Spring 2015 jewellery on my website or Etsy Shop- 

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