Friday, 30 January 2015

A Thought on the Power of the Positive

Parkhurst Forest in Spring 2014

On my long walks with my dog in Parkhurst Forest, I think about all sorts of things, from worries, to ideas for beads, but sometimes merely little contented musings. They're not life changing or the slightest bit important, just pleasant escapisms. So, as I haven't anything dynamic on the jewellery front this week, I thought I would share one.

 I have a good habit of bolting the gate after me. However, occasionally I need to leave it unbolted for somebody returning a little later. But time after time I automatically bolt it. The other day as I approached the gate I said to myself repeatedly 'Don't shut the gate! Don't shut the gate!.' I even continued to say it as I passed through the gate. Although I was saying the words, my mind was already thinking of something else. Some time later when I heard Mark returning from a walk with Toby through the front door, I knew I had bolted the gate. Drat! Anyway, I remembered a theory about the brain ignoring weak words like 'don't' and 'no' and its focus on definite words. The next time I changed the words I used. Instead I said 'Gate open, gate open.' It worked! and it's worked every time since.

This perhaps is a simple example of the power of the positive, but it did make me think. So I now tell myself 'Don't forget not to use the word don't!!!!!!'

Friday, 23 January 2015

Neutral, Muted, Colour?

I've been wondering why I'm enjoying working with not only a limited range of colours, but something quite alien to me. That is, soft, muted and dare I say neutral [a word not normally in my vocabulary!] colours.

     People that know me, know that I love colour! I suppose that's what attracted me to glass bead making in the first place. Don't worry, I never had and still have no desire or intention of living in neutral surroundings, that's just not me. Nor will you find me in any white clothes. In my opinion white clothes are for wedding dresses and maybe crisp white shirts with dark suits.

I came to the conclusion that I use white and neutral colours in the same way most other people use bright and strong colours. Many people like a smattering of colour, well, I'm the opposite. For instance, while I have colourS on all my walls, all paintwork is white in my home.

This all leads to my theory of why I'm enjoying creating my new Spring jewellery. My Spring beads will still be unique and characteristically mine. However, rather than striking, statement, eclectic jewellery, they are developing into more complimentary, subtle necklace, earring and bracelet designs. I have been surprised that despite limiting myself to just a few colours, the ideas have still continued to flow. Am I becoming organised?…….I doubt it!
See my new Spring 2015 jewellery on my website or Etsy Shop- 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Making a start on my blog.

Well…. I seem to have started a blog. There is still a lot to understand and get the hang of, but at least I've made a start.
Anyway, probably a good idea to begin with a brief update on what's been keeping me busy in my 'little house'.
In the lead up to Christmas, Mark and I had a couple of busy trips up to Spitalfields in London. However, by far the most successful events, was Christmas Open Studio at Ventnor Botanic Gardens.
I resisted my normal attraction to bold colours and created a collection of cream, which went down very well at both Quay Arts and Rum's Eg. This got me thinking during the Christmas break, leading me to some decisive ideas for Spring.