Monday, 2 May 2016

More a Garden Post than a Bead Post, but Still Preparation for 'Open Studio'

Now that my stint at Quarr Abbey with 'Magpie Art' has finished, it is time to prepare for 'Open Studios' in July.
 I haven't been in my workshop to do anything other than to unpack. Instead I have been doing a little indirect preparation, getting my garden shipshape for the visitors I hope to have.
There sure is a lot to do. A couple of weeks ago I planted some new day lilies. In recent years I have found day lilies really resilient to waterlogged Winters and drought stricken Summers. They just need so little care. Yes, they can become invasive, but I don't mind, as they are easy to turf out and thin if they do. They also have the advantage of flowering at just the right time for 'Open Studios'.
Anyway, with all this in mind, I ordered some different colours [mine are all orange] and look forward to seeing their flowers in the Summer. Paula Dyason at was so helpful and gave me suggestions as to which day lilies would suit my garden's conditions.

A pretty tree with some my established day lilies

My Acers are looking good

Path needs some work, but new day lilies are tucked up in their new homes.

Spring view of the path to the Summer house

New day lilies

Side of Summer house

More path that needs cleaning up

New plants for containers waiting in the greenhouse. Trying some small dahlias for the first time this year.

Various cuttings that survived the Winter

More cuttings and some Rosemary and Lavender

Patio in a state of preparation

Fig tree still bare.

Gave the patio border a good feed with chicken pellets, so hoping the peonies will appreciate it.

Clearing the brick edging always makes the untidy borders look better.

I can't remember what this stuff is called, but it is amazing, as it has flourished despite being under water for most of the Winter.

Gradually tidying up the fence border.

Up as far as the willow tree.

Before, brick edgings completely grown over.


Another before shot. When this one is finished there's still more big borders to do.